FUNtastic QRE Festival 2013
City's first ever "BMX Battle"
The BMX Battle of FUNtastic QRE Festival was unveiled this afternoon at the Open Piazza of Hopewell Centre, Queen's Road East. 16 contestants challenged the limits of their skills on Grind Box and Bunny Hop, and the overall champion title finally went to BMX Pro-rider Ho Ting-chun, whereas Chu Chu-leung and Lee Chun-lam jumped the highest with their BMXs among the contestants and won the special prize for Bunny Hop. After the competition, the International BMX freestyle champions Somsak Senglee and Dew Sippawit demonstrated stunning tricks and won the applause of an enthusiastic audience.
Officiating guests of the BMX Battle were Mrs. Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee, JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr. Suen Kai-cheong, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of the Wan Chai District Council and Mr. William Wong, Executive Director of Hopewell Holdings Limited. "The FUNtastic QRE Festival this year comprises events of three different styles, which reflects the diverse culture of Wan Chai. The festival has provided the opportunity for people of different ages and races, from Wan Chai and other districts, to get together and share a wonderful experience. This is one of Hopewell's contributions to the community in support of the development of local culture," said Mr. William Wong.
After the opening ceremony, the students of Hong Kong Tang King Po College presented to the officiating guests their 5 art creations on display: "Fancy Lighting (簾燈)", "Teeter-chair (搖搖椅)", "Comfort Me (櫈閒之輩)", "Happy Cow (牛歡樂)" and "Tan tan Chair (嘆碳椅)". These artistic items are all practical, made from used bicycle parts in promotion of resource recycling and an eco-friendly way of life. The famous local product designer group MIRO coached 33 students from Hong Kong Tang King Po College in creating these articles, which will be exhibited at the Open Piazza till 24 November.
The Festival will continue tomorrow afternoon at the Open Piazza with the exhibition of classic BMX bikes and a workshop hosted by MIRO, who will create on the spot souvenirs from small bicycle parts for visitors (limited quantities on a first-come-first-served basis).
The 4th FUNtastic QRE Festival is hosted by Hopewell Holding Limited from 9 -24 November 2013, aiming to promote eco-friendly and healthy living style and a happy community.